Glass canopies and awnings

Canopy over the entrance is a necessary detail of any building. This element performs both an aesthetic function, complementing the appearance of the structure, and practical, protecting the entrance to the building from rain. Awnings can be made of a variety of materials, the most modern and convenient options are glass canopies over the entrance.

Advantages of glass canopies and awnings:

  • allows the light come through, so that the porch or entrance to the building will be better lit;
  • protects the entrance to the building from rain and other unfavourable environmental factors;
  • high durability due to the use of laminated glass - triplex with high performance properties: durability, wear resistance, strength;
  • canopies made of tempered glass are resistant to temperature changes and rain;
  • glass is non-corrosive;
  • large selection and variety of shapes and colours of canopies; all this allows you to choose the best design option for a specific building;

STEKLO provides high-quality installation of glass canopies in Tallinn, Tartu and throughout Estonia, with shortest lead times and considering all the wishes of the customer.

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